
Regenerative Medicine Applications in Knee Osteoarthritis / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek EKER BÜYÜKŞİRECİ

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Regenerative Medicine Applications in Knee Osteoarthritis / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek EKER BÜYÜKŞİRECİ

What is Osteoarthritis? 

Osteoarthritis of the knee, known as "kireçlenme" in Turkish, occurs due to a reduction in joint fluid, cartilage wear, and bone friction. It is a type of non-inflammatory arthritis that arises with aging, involving the wear and tear of the joint and surrounding structures.

Who can develop osteoarthritis? 

Individuals over the age of 50, especially those who experience knee pain, cracking sounds, and difficulty squatting or climbing stairs, may develop osteoarthritis.

What treatments are used for knee osteoarthritis? 

Alongside traditional treatments we've been applying for years, the inclusion of new-generation regenerative (renewing) treatments has been remarkably encouraging in achieving successful outcomes. Traditional treatments for osteoarthritis include:

  • Pain and swelling relief medications
  • Supplements supporting joint fluid
  • Knee braces, physical therapy applications, and exercises
  • Supporting weight loss for patients, as losing 1 kg of body weight reduces the load on the knees by 5-6 kg
  • Hyaluronic acid injections, known as "rooster comb" injections, and ozone injections have also been traditional treatments for years

What are the regenerative (renewing) treatments used in osteoarthritis? 

Regenerative treatments, different from traditional ones, not only reduce pain but also stimulate tissue regeneration, prompting damaged tissue to renew itself and promoting healing. Among these treatments are platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, which have been applied for years. However, with the introduction of more effective plasma injections than PRP in recent years, the success rate has increased. With regenerative treatments obtained from the patient's own blood, such as smart plasma and cell-retaining serum injections known as PRP, we achieve fewer side effects and more successful results compared to PRP treatment.

Is there a role for stem cells in treating knee osteoarthritis? 

Stem cells obtained from abdominal fat or bone marrow and injected into the knee joint are commonly used regenerative treatments with promising results. Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, and when injected into the knee joint, they aim to differentiate into cartilage cells, reversing osteoarthritis. The abdominal fat stem cell process involves extracting abdominal fat under local anesthesia in a surgical environment, isolating the stem cells, and injecting them into the knee joint. After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to daily life activities. A significant advantage is the very low risk of allergic reactions when using products derived from the patient's own tissues.

What is the Exosome treatment obtained from the newborn umbilical cord? 

Exosomes are small protein vesicles that play a role in intercellular communication. They can be obtained from the patient's own blood or tissues such as the newborn umbilical cord in a laboratory setting. Exosome applications in osteoarthritis patients promote the proliferation of healthy and quality cells and the elimination of damaged cells. This procedure is performed in a polyclinic setting, and the patient can immediately return to daily life after the procedure.

What are other treatment options in osteoarthritis? 

Prolotherapy injections with dextrose solution strengthen the surrounding tendons and muscle structures. For patients with advanced-stage osteoarthritis who cannot undergo surgery or those who cannot benefit from these treatments, injections blocking the pain nerves around the knee can provide a pain-free life.

Our recommendations to patients: 

We have made significant progress in treating knee osteoarthritis compared to the past. We can create appropriate treatment plans for each patient with various treatment options, achieving successful results. For maximum benefit from these treatments, patients should consult a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist in the early stages to benefit from these treatments. Osteoarthritis can be completely reversed or its progression stopped in patients treated in the early stages. Additionally, weight control and exercise are recommended to support the treatment of all osteoarthritis patients. Remember, early treatment means preventing joint replacement surgery.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek Eker Büyükşireci

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist