
It Is Possible to Learn the Covid-19 Test Result on the Same Day! / Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜNBÜL

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It Is Possible to Learn the Covid-19 Test Result on the Same Day! / Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜNBÜL

PCR is the name of the method. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the PCR test has frequently been brought to the agenda. PCR is an advanced diagnostic method that allows detecting the presence of any virus or bacteria in the body, even in very small quantities. PCR, which has been used for many years, is also employed as a diagnostic tool in cases where the viral load is significant, such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV. In the case of coronavirus, it is essential to detect the virus even when present in minimal amounts so that treatment can begin promptly.

In summary, the PCR method is a genetic test that works with body swab samples, such as upper respiratory tract secretions (nasal and throat swabs), sputum if there are symptoms in the lungs, or secretions taken directly from the respiratory tract if the patient is intubated. It reveals the presence of the virus. The PCR test is used to determine whether the virus is present and whether the person has been exposed to it.

The PCR test is performed using a cotton swab, similar to an ear-cleaning stick, to collect samples from the nose and throat. It can be applied to anyone showing symptoms of illness or who has been in contact with an infected individual. There are no age restrictions for the test. In our hospital, the PCR test results are available on the same day.

When Should You Take a PCR Test?

If you experience symptoms such as a dry cough, fever, diarrhea, body aches, or loss of taste and smell, it is crucial to get tested for diagnosis and treatment. If you have been in contact with a Covid-19 patient or if someone you recently met tested positive, you might have contracted the virus. Therefore, taking the test without delay will not only ensure early treatment but also help prevent the spread of the disease.

If you are about to undergo surgery or any medical procedure, getting tested beforehand will be beneficial for your health. Additionally, some countries require a Covid-19 test for entry. If you plan to travel to such a country, you can take the test and receive your result promptly.

What Is an Antibody Test?

An antibody test is performed to detect the presence of a specific antibody or determine its quantity in a blood sample taken from an individual. Some antibody tests focus on detecting a particular type of antibody. Antibodies are proteins that fight against foreign substances in the body. They bind to these foreign substances and form complexes for the immune system to eliminate them.

For example, the most commonly conducted antibody tests include IgM, IgG, and IgE. The general purposes of antibody testing are:

  • Evaluating immunity against a specific microorganism,
  • Monitoring the progression of a particular infection,
  • Assessing exposure to an infectious antigen,
  • Investigating transfusion reactions or organ transplant rejection,
  • Diagnosing issues related to allergies, hepatitis, HIV, liver diseases, syphilis, lupus, thyroid disorders, or autoimmune diseases.

Antibody tests are applied to individuals who have previously been exposed to a microorganism or are suspected of having been exposed.

The Relationship Between Antibody Testing and Covid-19

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, antibody tests have become increasingly common. In efforts to lift restrictions and prevent the spread of a second wave, antibody tests have been used to identify individuals with immunity to the novel coronavirus.

Antibody tests developed for Covid-19 are primarily used to detect antibodies formed in the blood of individuals who have been infected and subsequently recovered.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sünbül
Infectious Diseases Specialist