
Surgical Treatment of Scoliosis / Op. Dr. Ali Kemal ULAŞ

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Surgical Treatment of Scoliosis / Op. Dr. Ali Kemal ULAŞ

What is the Purpose of Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis?

The purpose of scoliosis surgery is to align the curved vertebrae properly (in physiological anterior-posterior, lateral, and axial planes) and fuse them together (fusion surgery). After fusion, this area moves as a single bone (vertebra).

Who Requires Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis?

Generally, curvatures over 45-50 degrees continue to progress even after puberty and growth has completed. This progression can lead to an aesthetically poor appearance of the back and waist and may also impair lung function. In this case, most doctors performing scoliosis surgery prefer surgical treatment to reduce the curvature or prevent it from worsening.

Why Are Different Treatments Suggested for Patients with Curvature Between 40-50 Degrees?

In a growing child with scoliosis curvature between 40-50 degrees, surgical decisions should be made after evaluating various factors. It is best to discuss the surgery decision with an experienced spine surgeon.

How Successful is Scoliosis Surgery?

Today's technology has enhanced the ability of scoliosis surgeons to correct curvatures, allowing for an aesthetically pleasing result. The fusion surgery, where curved vertebrae are fused together, is quite effective in preventing further progression of the scoliosis.

How Much Will the Curvature Improve After Scoliosis Surgery?

Vertebrae are also responsible for protecting the spinal cord. Therefore, during surgery, efforts are made to achieve the maximum possible correction while safely avoiding damage to the spinal cord.

Is It Possible to Understand How Much Scoliosis Will Improve Before Surgery?

Before surgery, special x-ray films called bending or traction films are used to assess how flexible the scoliosis curvature is. The surgeon performing the surgery uses these films to measure and gain insight into the flexibility. The more flexible the scoliosis curvature is, the more improvement can be achieved.

Where and How Big Should the Skin Incision Be for Scoliosis Surgery?

Scoliosis surgery is performed with a skin incision made as a straight line in the middle of the back. The length of the incision should be two to three centimeters longer than the area affected by scoliosis and the vertebrae to be corrected.

Will There Be a Scar After Scoliosis Surgery?

To prevent scarring after scoliosis surgery, cosmetic sutures are used to close the incision. Additionally, the use of creams that prevent keloid formation and covering the incision area from sunlight during the first year are other precautions taken.

Will the Rib Hump Disappear After Scoliosis Surgery?

The rib hump is corrected using a surgical technique called derotation. However, in cases with very severe rib humps, a procedure called thoracoplasty may be required.

Will Back and Lower Back Pain Decrease After Scoliosis Surgery?

In the early postoperative period, back and lower back pain may be greater compared to the pre-surgery period. However, this pain typically decreases within a few weeks. Generally, one year post-surgery, most patients report less pain than before.

How Does Fusion Surgery Affect Scoliosis?

Fusion surgery stops the growth in the abnormal section of the spine entirely, preventing the curvature of scoliosis from worsening.

How Are Vertebrae Fused Together?

Small bone pieces (grafts) are placed in the joints between the vertebrae to attempt to fuse them together.

Does Fusion Surgery Eliminate Movement in the Back and Lower Back?

The section of the spine where fusion is performed will remain immobile for life. Therefore, it is important to fuse the fewest possible vertebrae to minimize loss of movement.

Can Scoliosis Be Corrected Without Fusion?

All doctors dream of finding a treatment that can correct scoliosis while preserving normal vertebral movement. However, current surgical treatments often result in a decrease in spinal movement when correcting scoliosis.

What Is the Purpose of Metal Screws and Rods Used in Surgery?

Metal screws and rods provide the necessary force for correction during scoliosis surgery and hold the position until fusion occurs.

Do the Screws and Rods Placed During Surgery Remain in the Body for Life?

The screws and rods used in scoliosis surgery typically do not need to be removed. However, they may need to be taken out in rare cases of infection or breakage.

How Is the Number of Vertebrae to Be Fused Decided?

This should be evaluated differently for each scoliosis patient. Fusing the fewest possible vertebrae positively impacts the patients' movement capabilities.

What Is the Purpose of Bone Grafts?

Bone grafts are used to enhance bone fusion. There are three types of bone grafts: autografts, allografts, and synthetic grafts.

How Long Does Scoliosis Surgery Take?

Scoliosis surgery can take between 4 to 8 hours.

Will There Be a Lot of Pain After Scoliosis Surgery?

The amount of pain varies depending on the person's pain threshold. Pain is usually greater in the initial days post-surgery and decreases after the third day in most patients.

What Painkillers Are Used After Surgery?

The use of painkillers varies by doctor. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) may be preferred.

Are There Visiting Restrictions After Scoliosis Surgery?

First-degree relatives can visit the patient in their room starting from the first day.

When Will Patients Start Walking After Scoliosis Surgery?

Patients are usually helped to walk on the second day after surgery.

How Long Do Patients Stay in the Hospital After Scoliosis Surgery, and When Can They Return to School?

Patients are typically discharged by the fifth day at the latest and can return to school within 3-4 weeks.

What Should Not Be Done After Surgery?

Patients are generally advised not to bend excessively or lift heavy objects for three months.

Are There Any Restrictions on Sports After Surgery?

Patients can start light sports like swimming and cycling at the end of the second month. Heavy sports are usually recommended after the sixth month.

When Can Patients Start Going to Theaters, Movies, and Driving After Scoliosis Surgery?

Activities like cinema and theater can begin when the patient no longer needs painkillers. Generally, patients can start driving within one and a half to two months.