
Genital Aesthetics / Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN

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Genital Aesthetics / Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN

What is Genital Aesthetics and Why is it Performed?

Just as aesthetic surgery is needed for other parts of the body, the same applies to our genital organs. It is perfectly natural for a woman to be dissatisfied with the appearance of her genital area, and with the aesthetic surgeries we perform, she has the opportunity to correct this.
Sagging, large, asymmetrical inner labia or an excessively wide vagina can lead to a decrease in a woman’s self-confidence, causing her to distance herself from her partner and experience issues in her sexual life. In the past, these concerns were often not voiced due to embarrassment. Fortunately, with the genital aesthetic surgeries and procedures we commonly perform today, these issues can be easily resolved, allowing women to feel more confident and happy.

What Are the Procedures and Surgeries in Genital Aesthetics?

  • Labiaplasty (inner and outer labia aesthetics)
  • Vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening surgery)
  • Vaginal tightening with focused ultrasound or laser
  • Perineoplasty (repair of birth-related tears)
  • Hoodoplasty (surgical removal of excess skin over the clitoris)
  • G-spot augmentation (G-shot)
  • Labial augmentation with fillers
  • Genital PRP applications
  • Hymenoplasty (hymen reconstruction surgery)



The two parallel structures located on the inner part of the genital area are called labia minora (inner labia). Due to hormonal or other factors, these structures may sometimes become asymmetrical, larger than normal, or sagging (often described by patients as resembling “elephant ears”). Inner labia that protrude between the outer labia can cause significant aesthetic discomfort. Additionally, they can lead to excessive sweating, unpleasant odors, recurrent infections, sticking to underwear, discomfort when wearing tight clothing, adherence to sanitary pads during menstruation, and other issues.

With labiaplasty, we reshape these abnormally structured inner labia to achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
As a result, our patients not only eliminate the physical discomfort caused by this condition but also experience an increase in self-confidence and overcome the sexual difficulties they may have faced due to embarrassment about their appearance.

How is Labiaplasty Performed and How Long Does It Take?

  • After an examination, the appropriate surgical technique is determined. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia can be administered upon the patient’s preference. The procedure takes approximately 30–45 minutes.
  • If there is excess skin over the clitoris hood, a procedure called hoodoplasty is also performed to remove this excess tissue.

Does Labiaplasty Require Hospitalization or Time Off from Work?

  • Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can return home on the same day and resume work the following day.

Will I Experience Severe Pain After Labiaplasty?

  • The healing process is usually comfortable. Most of our patients do not require painkillers.

Will My Stitches Need to Be Removed? Will There Be Scarring?

  • We use dissolvable sutures, so there is no need for stitch removal. There is minimal to no scarring after surgery.

Will My Sexual Pleasure Increase After Labiaplasty?

  • Especially when combined with hoodoplasty, the removal of excess clitoral skin reduces mechanical pressure on the clitoris, leading many of our patients to report an increase in orgasm frequency and intensity.

Can I Have Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty Together?

  • Absolutely. This allows you to address both concerns in a single procedure.

What Should I Be Careful About After Labiaplasty?

  • Take prescribed medications as instructed.
  • Maintain good hygiene.
  • Follow your doctor’s advice on when to shower.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse, swimming in pools or the sea, and intense physical activity for one month.

At What Age Can Labiaplasty Be Performed?

  • From 16 years old with parental consent, and from 18 years old at the individual’s discretion.

How Should I Choose My Surgeon?

  • You should select a gynecologist experienced in cosmetic gynecology who has undergone specialized training in this field.

Will I Lose Sensation After Labiaplasty?

  • When performed by an experienced surgeon using the appropriate technique, there is no loss of sensation. In fact, if combined with hoodoplasty, sensitivity may even increase.

What Are the Risks of Labiaplasty?

  • Early risks include bleeding and infection.
  • Long-term risks include asymmetry, urinary stream alteration, sensation changes, excessive tissue removal, or insufficient reduction.
  • When performed by an experienced surgeon, these risks are minimized.

I Had Labiaplasty Before, But I’m Not Satisfied with the Results. Can I Have a Revision?

  • Yes, a revision surgery is possible, but you should wait at least three months before undergoing another procedure.

Will Labiaplasty Prevent Me from Having a Vaginal Birth?

  • No, labiaplasty does not interfere with vaginal delivery.

I’m Coming from Out of Town. Can I Have the Surgery and Return Home on the Same Day?

  • Since labiaplasty is a same-day procedure, you can return home on the same day.


Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Tightening Surgery)

The vagina may become loose or saggy due to difficult vaginal births, aging, or significant weight loss. Although this issue is not often discussed openly, it can cause a lack of friction during intercourse, reduced sexual pleasure, and even loss of sexual desire.
This problem has a solution, and the results can be highly satisfying for both partners.

Vaginal laxity can cause sexual dysfunction in younger women, as well as aesthetic concerns due to poorly healed birth-related stitches. In older women, it may also lead to bladder prolapse, urinary incontinence, uterine and rectal prolapse, or difficulty with bowel movements.
For these reasons, vaginoplasty is performed to enhance both sexual function and overall well-being.

Why Is Vaginoplasty Performed?

  • To improve sexual satisfaction
  • To reduce unwanted vaginal noises during intercourse
  • To correct bladder and rectal prolapse
  • To repair poorly healed birth-related scars

How Is Vaginoplasty Performed and How Long Does It Take?

  • The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s preference.
  • The surgery takes approximately 1 hour, depending on the severity of the condition.
  • The entire vaginal canal, not just the entrance, should be tightened for optimal results.
  • If there is bladder or rectal prolapse, these issues should also be corrected.

Will My Vagina Become Loose Again After Surgery?

  • This is a permanent procedure. As long as there are no future vaginal deliveries, the vagina will remain tight.

I Have Never Given Birth, But I Experience Vaginal Looseness. Can I Have This Surgery?

  • Yes, vaginal laxity can occur naturally or due to significant weight loss. Surgery is an option in such cases.

Will There Be Visible Stitches or Scarring?

  • We use dissolvable sutures, so there is no need for stitch removal, and visible scarring is minimal.

Is the Surgery Painful? Will I Need Time Off Work?

  • Since most of the stitches are placed inside the vagina, pain is minimal.
  • Most patients return to work without taking time off.

What Are the Risks of Vaginoplasty?

  • Risks include bleeding, infection, and excessive narrowing, which may cause pain during intercourse.
  • An experienced surgeon significantly reduces these risks.

What Should I Pay Attention to After Vaginoplasty?

  • Take prescribed medications regularly.
  • Maintain genital hygiene carefully.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse, swimming in pools or the sea, and intense exercise for 6 weeks.
  • Follow your doctor’s advice regarding postoperative care and healing.

How Soon Can I Resume Sexual Activity After Vaginoplasty?

  • After approximately 6 weeks, you can gradually resume sexual activity.

Can Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty Be Performed Together?

  • Yes, they are often performed together to achieve both aesthetic and functional improvement in a single session.

I Had a Previous Vaginoplasty, But I’m Not Satisfied. Can It Be Redone?

  • Yes, revision vaginoplasty can be performed if the initial surgery was not successful or if the vagina became loose again over time.

Does Vaginoplasty Increase Sexual Pleasure?

  • Since vaginal tightness increases friction, most of our patients and their partners report enhanced sexual satisfaction.


Laser or Ultrasound-Based Vaginal Tightening

For patients who experience mild vaginal laxity but do not want surgery, non-surgical vaginal tightening with laser or focused ultrasound (HIFU) is an effective alternative.

How Does Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening Work?

  • Laser or HIFU technology stimulates collagen production in the vaginal walls, leading to a firmer and tighter vaginal canal.
  • No incisions or anesthesia are required, and the procedure is quick and painless.
  • Multiple sessions may be needed, depending on the severity of laxity.

Who Is Suitable for Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening?

  • Women with mild to moderate vaginal laxity.
  • Women who do not want surgery.
  • Women who do not have severe bladder or rectal prolapse.


Perineoplasty (Perineal Repair Surgery)

The perineum is the area between the vaginal opening and the anus. If this region is torn during childbirth or stitched incorrectly, it may result in:

  • Irregular vaginal openings
  • Chronic pain during intercourse
  • Unwanted aesthetic appearance

With perineoplasty, the perineal area is repaired to restore its aesthetic and functional structure.

Hymenoplasty (Hymen Reconstruction Surgery)

Hymenoplasty is the surgical repair of the hymen, typically performed due to cultural or personal reasons.

  • It can be done in two ways:
    1. Short-term hymenoplasty: Performed a few days before marriage, where the edges of the hymen are stitched together.
    2. Permanent hymenoplasty: Reconstructs the hymen using vaginal tissue, providing a longer-lasting result.


Genital PRP and G-Spot Augmentation (G-Shot)

  • PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections into the genital area improve blood circulation, tissue regeneration, and sensitivity.
  • G-spot augmentation (G-shot) involves injecting hyaluronic acid or PRP into the G-spot to enhance sexual pleasure.



Genital aesthetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular as more women seek to improve their confidence, comfort, and sexual satisfaction. With advancements in gynecological aesthetics, these procedures are now safe, effective, and accessible.

If you are considering genital aesthetic surgery or non-surgical treatments, consulting an experienced gynecologist specializing in cosmetic gynecology is essential for the best results.

Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN

Obstetrics and Gynecology