Leechcraft Method
When the balance of organs or systems in our body is disrupted, diseases begin. Like everything in the world, all tissues, organs, and systems in our body move in a certain rhythm. Disruptions in these rhythms and movements can lead to blockages in tissues, impairing circulation and lymph flow, causing tissues to be inadequately nourished, increasing tissue fragility, and ultimately resulting in injuries or diseases.
In the Leechcraft method, manual posture and body analysis can detect shifts, deviations, rotations, lockings, and blockages in the spine and joints. A shift or rotation in a joint can lead to disruptions in many organs or systems. Due to these shifts or rotations, nerve compressions, inadequate circulation, and tensions in organ ligaments can occur, resulting in pain, sensitivity, and nerve irritation. Therefore, the most important thing for an individual to be healthy is a properly aligned spine.
The Leechcraft method involves observing the overall health of deep connective tissue, fascia, and joints after the spine. Possible damage, wear, and deformities in the joints are identified. The flexibility of connective tissue and adhesions in the fascia play a critical role in understanding a person’s overall health; they are also fundamental causes of pain and must be examined. Next, factors such as the health of organs, metabolic activities, and the general status of body rhythms are assessed. The functioning and overall condition of all systems, including digestion, circulation, nerves, and excretion, are reviewed. Through these comprehensive analyses, the root cause of the problem is identified, and corrective steps are determined.
Considering a person's experience of pain, there can be many different origins for the pain that arises in our bodies. Damage to organs or tissues can be felt as pain in any joint. An individual may perceive this pain as back or neck pain, but the actual source of the problem may be located elsewhere. For example, when examining a person who complains of back pain, we investigate the origin of the pain. Differences in leg length, spinal curvature, coccyx injuries, nerve system damage, or digestive issues can lead to back pain. One or more of these factors may constitute the root cause of the problem, while other contributing factors can exacerbate the existing issue.
The Leechcraft method always focuses on the root cause of the problem and attempts to solve it. In this method, all organs and systems are scanned separately, and primary causes are addressed before secondary causes are eliminated. This program is personal and can vary for each individual because every body is unique. This program provides emotional, physical, and mental purification. Wherever there are accumulated emotions, toxins, blockages, and stress in a person’s body, efforts are made to cleanse them. Finally, the overall balance of all systems and organs is established. When all of this is achieved, the body’s healing power emerges, allowing the individual to repair and correct their own issues. The key here is providing the body with the right stimuli. The human body is always programmed to heal itself. The fundamental factors that prevent a person from achieving perfect health are environmental factors and stress. By eliminating these elements, individuals can truly attain a flawless state of health.
Scio Quantum Biofeedback
The SCIO device scans the body at 12,000 different frequencies, similar to how antivirus software scans a computer. This examination occurs at a speed of one-thousandth of a second, capturing the body's responses at these frequencies. These responses are then evaluated against normal levels, scored, and used to diagnose both acute and chronic imbalances. At this stage, the results are communicated to the individual, and energy-based therapies are applied to balance or harmonize the abnormal frequencies. Combining philosophies and techniques from both the East and West, this system consists of 72 different modalities and over 200 biofeedback therapies, offering one of the most comprehensive health software packages in the world.
The SCIO device has the capability to detect potential issues in tissues, organs, or systems before a person becomes ill. By evaluating various parameters such as emotional state, physical health, mental condition, and spiritual status, it identifies disturbances in energy flow and begins repairs through energy balancing methods. This device works to intervene at an early stage, before diseases manifest, aiming to restore energy balance in weakened systems. It also identifies areas in each organ, tissue, or system that need correction, which can positively affect the individual's overall health, maximizing quality of life and comfort.