Perspective on Homeopathy
We are a part of the nature we live in. Just as we influence it, we are also influenced by it. We are healthy when we are in harmony. From time to time, we encounter dead ends, difficulties, obstacles, and traumas in our lives. Sometimes we overcome them; sometimes we get stuck. They occupy our minds and affect our psychology. We become hurt. According to the WHO perspective, disease is the absence of health. Being healthy is a state of complete well-being, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Any situation that disrupts this state of well-being constitutes the cause of disease. If we can identify the cause of diseases, we can also find the way to healing.
Socrates, the founder of modern medicine, used the methods of 'treating with opposites' and 'treating with similars' in addressing diseases. Homeopathy also adopts a treatment approach based on the principle of similarity. The term "homeopathy" comes from Greek, where "homeo" means similar and "pathy" means pathology, referring to a similar disease picture.
In homeopathy, there is no disease, only patients. Modern medicine focuses more on diseases than on patients. It labels conditions as diabetes, hypertension, etc. There is a treatment protocol for each disease. In homeopathy, however, different treatments are provided for two patients with hypertension. It doesn’t just consider the blood pressure. It looks at the patient's constitution, experiences, diet, family history, what their mother experienced during pregnancy, and many other details that have influenced their life up to that point. It doesn’t just pass over hypertension. It examines what the patient feels when the blood pressure rises and falls. Treatment is personalized through a comprehensive evaluation of the patient.
In modern medicine, there is continuous medication for chronic diseases. In homeopathy, there is no continuous medication. Remedies are used for a certain period, and improvement can be observed. Even if improvement is not achieved, the number of remedies can be reduced. There is a process that increases the quality of life. When you have a headache, you take painkillers. The pain subsides in 1-2 hours. However, even if you do not feel the pain, the underlying problem still exists. Homeopathy focuses on more fundamental solutions rather than just alleviating pain. It aims for healing.
History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a treatment method developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century, recognized as an alternative medicine. Hahnemann observed that the methods of medicine in his time weakened rather than empowered patients and were ineffective. Realizing how far the medical understanding of that period was from his own, he closed his practice and began earning a living as a translator and writer. In 1790, while translating "A Story on Dr. William Cullen's Materia Medica," he came across a section about the Cinchona bark, which sparked a new idea in him. He learned that quinine obtained from the bark of the Cinchona tree was effective against malaria. He decided to test this substance on himself. He began taking quinine and meticulously recording his reactions. Despite not having malaria, he noticed that he exhibited malaria symptoms consecutively. These symptoms appeared after taking a dose of quinine and disappeared a few hours later. When he did not take quinine, there were no symptoms. Was this the reason quinine cured malaria? To test this theory, he repeated doses of quinine on people he knew and carefully recorded the effects. He then conducted similar experiments with other substances like arsenic and belladonna. These experiments were conducted under very strict conditions, prohibiting the subjects from consuming alcohol, tea, coffee, or eating spicy and salty foods that could affect the results. Complaints arising after the intake of substances in healthy individuals were meticulously noted. It was observed that administering that substance to patients showing those complaints resulted in healing. Hahnemann continued his experiments by testing a wide range of natural substances and discovered the principle of "treating like with like." He proposed that the more compatible the disease picture is with the remedy's (homeopathic medicine) picture, the better the healing would be. For instance, when we chop onions, our eyes burn, and our noses run. Similarly, if a person with a cold has symptoms of burning eyes and a watery nasal discharge, administering Allium Cepa (Onion) remedy can alleviate their complaints. Although initially obstructed, this idea spread over time due to its success during epidemics. Today, it has found its place in the field of medicine.
Homeopathy is accepted in many European countries, India, and the United States, including Germany, in a total of 80 countries. In some places, it is taught as a subject in medical schools. There are separate homeopathy hospitals as well. In Turkey, homeopathy, which has entered general medical literature and found a field of application, is a method that is just beginning to be recognized and whose effects are being discovered. Some hospitals have established homeopathy clinics, and the number of physicians practicing homeopathy is increasing. The sale of remedies (medications) in pharmacies has also officially started.
Principles of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is an alternative medicine method based on the principle of "treating with similars."
Homeopathy focuses on the symptoms of diseases, and individually selected homeopathic remedies act by triggering the body's self-healing mechanisms. Let’s examine the basic principles to understand its functioning:
- Similia Similibus Curentur: Like cures like.
- Minimum Dose Principle: Homeopathic remedies are used in minimum doses. This is achieved through a process of dilution and succussion over a specific period to activate the substance. Hahnemann used this method to minimize side effects and enhance efficacy.
- Individual Approach: Homeopathy treats each patient as a whole, assessing symptoms on physical, emotional, and mental levels. Treatment is determined based on the individual's condition and symptoms. Even if two people have similar symptoms, their individual characteristics may differ, leading to different homeopathic remedies being prescribed.
- Focus on the Underlying Cause: Homeopathy addresses not only the symptoms of disease but also the underlying causes. Treatment aims to reach the root causes of the disease and facilitate overcoming barriers to vital energy.
- The Body's Self-Healing Ability: Homeopathy aims to support and stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
Applications of Homeopathy
Homeopathy can be used in the following areas:
- Acute Diseases: It is used to treat sudden and short-term illnesses such as colds, flu, diarrhea, headaches, and injuries.
- Chronic Diseases: Homeopathy may show therapeutic or supportive effects in some individuals with chronic conditions such as asthma, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic migraines, diabetes, and hypertension.
- Allergic and Skin Diseases: It can be used in the treatment processes of allergic rhinitis, urticaria, and angioedema.
- Skin Issues: It is used for treating skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and hives.
- Digestive Disorders: It is applied in the treatment of heartburn, gas, bloating, and digestive issues.
- Gallbladder and Liver Disorders: It is used in the treatment of conditions like hepatitis, jaundice, cholelithiasis, and cholecystitis.
- Women’s Health: It may play a supportive role in treating menstrual discomfort, irregularities, and menopause symptoms.
- Stress and Mental Health: It helps in managing stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, and other mental health issues.
- Neurological Diseases: It is used in the treatment of conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dementia, autism, and paralysis.
In Conclusion…
Homeopathy is an alternative medicine method that adopts a personal approach and focuses on symptoms.