
Prostate / Op. Dr. Ahmet GENÇBAY

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Prostate / Op. Dr. Ahmet GENÇBAY

Prostate is a gland that contributes to semen formation through secretions produced in men’s sexual life and plays a role in urination. Located at the exit of the bladder (urinary bladder), the prostate surrounds the urethra, which is responsible for expelling urine. As men age, growth in the prostate can lead to symptoms such as frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, intermittent urination, incomplete bladder emptying, and urinary incontinence. These issues negatively affect both the social and sexual quality of life in men.

BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment:

Treatment involves either medication (medical) or surgical methods. Before the clinical application of the Rezum method, surgical treatment for BPH was effective, but limited to techniques that came with serious side effects.

The Rezum method is an alternative treatment option to traditional methods (TURP, PlasmaKinetic TURP, HoLEP, etc.) for BPH that is as effective but without any serious side effects, and also an alternative to medical treatment.

Rezum Water Vapor Therapy

In 2015, the FDA approval was obtained in the United States for Rezum Water Vapor Therapy, a treatment that reduces prostate size using natural water vapor energy. Using a special radiofrequency-generated water vapor, the enlarged prostate tissue, which compresses the urethra, is destroyed.

How is the Rezum Treatment Applied?

A specially developed flexible camera system is used to enter through the urethra at the tip of the penis. The enlarged prostate tissue, urethra (urinary canal), and bladder are examined, and measurements are taken. The areas where the procedure will be applied are planned. Energy from a radiofrequency energy source is transferred to form water vapor, which is then injected into the prostate tissue using a needle. In a device specifically used for each patient, the surgeon delivers 9 seconds of energy-loaded water vapor at designated points. After the procedure, necrosis (cell death) starts as the cell integrity of the treated prostate tissue is disrupted. With water vapor injection, the enlarged prostate tissue shrinks, and urinary flow becomes easier and stronger. Research has shown a 28% reduction in prostate volume after six months.

Who is the Rezum Treatment Applied to?

  • Those with a prostate weight of more than 30 grams,
  • Those with benign prostate tissue growth,
  • Those experiencing difficulty in urination,
  • Those who do not benefit from medication for their symptoms or prefer not to use medication,
  • Those with heart and brain pacemakers,
  • Patients who do not want their sexual life to be negatively affected by surgical procedures.

Who is Not Suitable for the Rezum Treatment?

  • Patients with active urinary tract infections; infection must be treated before applying the procedure.
  • Patients who have had a penile prosthesis due to erectile dysfunction (impotence) or have a synthetic sphincter (urinary incontinence device) due to incontinence are not recommended to undergo this procedure.

What Are the Advantages of the Rezum Procedure Over Other Methods?

  • Ejaculation (orgasm) function is preserved.
  • Erection and urination functions (urinary incontinence) are preserved.
  • The procedure is very quick (8-10 minutes).
  • Patients can be discharged the same day.
  • It can be performed with local anesthesia.
  • Normal life can be resumed quickly.
  • BPH medications can be discontinued after the procedure.
  • Side effects are much less.
  • It can be safely applied even in patients with serious health conditions.

Does the Rezum Technique Have Any Disadvantages?

  • Its effect does not appear immediately. After the procedure, the prostate tissue gradually shrinks. During this period, patients may still experience their previous symptoms. Prostate medications may need to be continued for a while.
  • It can be applied to patients with large prostates (80-100 grams and above), but in some cases, success may not be achieved in a single session, and additional sessions may be required.

In Conclusion:

Thanks to REZUM technology, men with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) can avoid serious surgical risks and undergo a bloodless, short-duration procedure under local anesthesia without needing to stay in the hospital. The procedure has no side effects on sexual life, and in addition to addressing urinary disorders, it may even result in improvements in sexual function.