What is Dental Tartar?
Our teeth get dirty throughout the day just as much as our hands and skin do. It is an oral health issue that arises when we do not pay attention to daily dental care. When our teeth are not cleaned adequately, microbial food particles accumulate to form plaques, and plaques lead to the formation of dental tartar. Dental tartar causes yellow and brown stains; these symptoms are sufficient for dental tartar diagnosis. You should seek help from a specialist as soon as you notice these symptoms. In advanced stages, it can lead to serious oral and dental health diseases.
What Causes Dental Tartar? What Are the Reasons?
The primary cause of dental tartar is the irregular brushing of teeth and the lack of flossing. Negligence in oral care can lead to tartar formation in as little as 2 weeks.
- Excessive consumption of sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods
- Saliva composition
What Are the Dangers of Dental Tartar?
- It can cause dental and gum infections.
- It may lead to difficulties in brushing due to gum bleeding.
- It causes bad breath.
What Are Natural Methods to Get Rid of Dental Tartar?
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
- 2 tablespoons of solid coconut oil
- 6-7 drops of peppermint oil (for flavor and freshness)
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl and ensure it reaches a paste-like consistency. Use this paste to clean your teeth for 7 days. You will see the effects with regular use.
The Miracle of Walnuts and Walnut Water
- 1 glass of drinking water
- 5 walnut pieces and 2 walnut leaves
Put the water, walnuts, and walnut leaves in a pot and boil them, then let them cool. Strain the cooled water and use it regularly as a mouthwash; you can also use it while brushing.
Besides natural methods, your priority should be to consult experts in this field.
What is Dental Tartar Cleaning? What Should Be Done Afterwards?
Dental tartar cleaning is a procedure usually performed by specialists without anesthesia. Hardened tartar is cleaned with appropriate tools to remove stains. Normally, to prevent the formation of tartar, it is beneficial to have a dental cleaning every 6 months. After dental tartar cleaning, it is recommended not to consume anything for 2 hours. Depending on your dental health, you may need to take antibiotics or pain relievers; the person who decides this is your dentist. It is not appropriate to take medication in such situations without a recommendation. You may experience gum bleeding and mild gum pain; these are normal for a few days. After the cleaning procedure, do not neglect to brush your teeth and follow the treatments as recommended by your denti.