
Sex Therapy / Spc. Dr. Ayfer ÖZDEMİR

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Sex Therapy / Spc. Dr. Ayfer ÖZDEMİR

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a type of therapy used to address and resolve problems. In a complex area where psychological, physiological, and relational factors come together, sex therapy aims to help individuals improve their sexual lives and achieve a healthy sexual life through various techniques that are explained, as well as discussions about misconceptions and beliefs related to sexuality that are addressed and corrected.

What Problems Does Sex Therapy Address?

Sex therapy is considered an effective treatment method for a wide range of sexual health issues. These issues can be listed as follows:

  • Sexual desire and arousal disorders
  • Vaginismus
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Orgasm disorders
  • Painful intercourse in women

Each individual's sexual life is different, and the areas that therapy focuses on can vary according to the person's needs and demands.

How is Sex Therapy Applied?

Sex therapy is usually applied in the form of couples therapy. However, sexual counseling can also be provided for those who wish to attend alone. Individual therapy helps the individual confront their own sexual issues and cope with them, while couples therapy strengthens communication between partners, eliminates misunderstandings, and helps them find a common point of sexual satisfaction.

Sex therapy is generally conducted by psychiatry specialists or clinical psychologists who have received training in this field. The therapist listens carefully to understand the individuals' sexual health problems, conducts a diagnostic assessment, and then determines appropriate therapy methods. This therapy process occurs in a safe environment, through open and sincere communication, ensuring that individuals feel emotionally comfortable.

What Are the Main Goals of Sex Therapy?

The main goals of sex therapy include:

  • Identifying sexual health issues
  • Exploring underlying causes
  • Developing healthy sexual habits
  • Strengthening communication
  • Enhancing relational integrity

In this process, cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are used in discussions and through assignments given to address sexual dysfunction and help individuals establish healthy sexual relationships.

For the Success of Sex Therapy…

For sex therapy to be effective, it is important for individuals to participate in therapy, be open, and collaborate with the therapist. The therapy process is often time-consuming and requires patience; however, with proper guidance and support, individuals can enhance their sexual health and happiness.

In conclusion, sex therapy is an effective method for individuals and couples to address and resolve sexual health issues. It helps individuals explore their sexual problems, develop healthy sexual habits, and enhance their personal and relational integrity. Particularly in societies like ours, where sexuality is not openly discussed, the rates of individuals experiencing sexual dysfunction are relatively high; however, these issues can be largely resolved through sex therapy.


Spc. Dr. Ayfer Özdemir