Psychological Counseling and Guidance Will the Future Be Healthy for Our Future Generations? / Psy. Couns. Süleyman Emre Fidan
Obstetrics and Gynecology Vaginal Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods / Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN
Ophtalmology Trifocal and EDOF Intraocular Lenses: An Innovative Step in Eye Health / Op. Dr. Murat AYAN
Dietitian Intuitive Eating and Diet Quality of Children Living Separately from Their Parents / Spc Dyt. Zübeyde SEMİZ
Psychological Counseling and Guidance Has Your Relationship Reached a Dead End?: Couple Therapy / Spc. Cons. Psy.. Cem Batuhan AKINCIOĞLU
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Exercise in Osteoporosis: The Right Movements to Protect Your Bone Health / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER