Obstetrics and Gynecology Vaginal Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods / Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN
Internal Medicine The Pursuit of Eternal Youth: The Role of Modern Medicine and Technology / Spc. Dr. Özden YILMAZ
Child Development The Power of SCASI and Play-DIR Floortime in Early Detection of Autism in Developmentally At-Risk Infants / Spc Ayşegül KOP
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation The Importance of Complementary Medicine Applications for a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician / Spc. Dr. Canan YILDIRIM
Neurosurgery Micro-surgical Treatment Methods for Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniation / Op. Dr. Yakup SEZER
Certified Medical Aesthetics Make Small Touches to Your Beauty Without Corrupting Your Naturalness / Dr. Beste ODABAŞI
Dietitian Intuitive Eating and Diet Quality of Children Living Separately from Their Parents / Spc Dyt. Zübeyde SEMİZ
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Humanity: A Holistic Perspective on Health and Beauty / Spc. Dr. Ebru ONAT GÖKTAŞ
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Dermatological Touches in Hair Transplantation / Spc. Dr. Enkhjargal LOSOL
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation A Different Perspective on Autism: How Might Autism Have Started?