Ophtalmology Trifocal and EDOF Intraocular Lenses: An Innovative Step in Eye Health / Op. Dr. Murat AYAN
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation The Importance of Complementary Medicine Applications for a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician / Spc. Dr. Canan YILDIRIM
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy and Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy / OT. Sinem Altın DEMİRBAĞ
General Surgery Obesity and Metabolic Surgery: From the Perspective of a General Surgeon / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadir YILDIRIM
Neurosurgery Micro-surgical Treatment Methods for Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniation / Op. Dr. Yakup SEZER
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Exercise in Osteoporosis: The Right Movements to Protect Your Bone Health / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER
Obstetrics and Gynecology Endometriosis: The Silent Appearance of Pain Outside the Uterus / Op. Dr. Seher SARI KAYALARLI
Obstetrics and Gynecology Cosmetic Gynecology: New Horizons in Women's Health / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pervin KARLI
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Back Exercises: Protect Your Spine Health / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER