Psychological Counseling and Guidance Will the Future Be Healthy for Our Future Generations? / Psy. Couns. Süleyman Emre Fidan
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery What Are the Main Objectives of Abdominoplasty? / Op. Dr. Kamil YILDIRIM
Obstetrics and Gynecology Vaccination Important in Obstetrics and Gynecology / Dr. Lectoror Zehra YILMAZ
Certified Medical Aesthetics The New Name for Lively and Youthful Skin: Paris Glow / Spc. Dr. Özge KARASU
Periodontology Smile Design: A Modern Approach for an Aesthetic and Healthy Smile / Dr. Lecturer Şevki GÜLER
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Skin Rejuvenation and Biostimulant Products / Spc. Dr. Nalan DEMİRÇEVİREN SARAÇ
Psychology Recommendations for Parents of Children Starting School / Spc. Cl. Psy. Dr. Birgül EMİROĞLU BAKAY
Infectious Diseases It Is Possible to Learn the Covid-19 Test Result on the Same Day! / Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜNBÜL
Dietitian Intuitive Eating and Diet Quality of Children Living Separately from Their Parents / Spc Dyt. Zübeyde SEMİZ
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) If You Have Hair Loss, Let Your Cells Fight... / Spc. Dr. Serra Hande ÖCAL
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Humanity: A Holistic Perspective on Health and Beauty / Spc. Dr. Ebru ONAT GÖKTAŞ
Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Endovascular Treatments and Hybrid Surgeries in Cardiovascular Surgery: Evolving Approaches and Methods / Dr. Lecturer İlker Hasan KARAL
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Dermatological Touches in Hair Transplantation / Spc. Dr. Enkhjargal LOSOL
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Back Exercises: Protect Your Spine Health / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Art in Plastic Surgery: A Reflection on "Da Vinci" and the "Golden Ratio" / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağlayan Yağmur