Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Why is Breast Reduction Surgery Preferred? / Op. Dr. Nuray ÖZTÜRK
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation What is Fibromyalgia? What are its Types? / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery What Are the Main Objectives of Abdominoplasty? / Op. Dr. Kamil YILDIRIM
Obstetrics and Gynecology Vaginal Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods / Op. Dr. Lale ÇETİN
Internal Medicine The Pursuit of Eternal Youth: The Role of Modern Medicine and Technology / Spc. Dr. Özden YILMAZ
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery The Nose: The Cornerstone of Facial Aesthetics / Op. Dr. İbrahim ORAK
Certified Medical Aesthetics The New Name for Lively and Youthful Skin: Paris Glow / Spc. Dr. Özge KARASU
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation The Importance of Complementary Medicine Applications for a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician / Spc. Dr. Canan YILDIRIM
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Skin Rejuvenation and Biostimulant Products / Spc. Dr. Nalan DEMİRÇEVİREN SARAÇ
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Regenerative Medicine Applications in Knee Osteoarthritis / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek EKER BÜYÜKŞİRECİ
Obstetrics and Gynecology Recurrent Fungal Infections and Their Treatments / Dr. Lecturer Zehra YILMAZ
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Post-bariatric Surgery: Reshaping and Aesthetic Procedures in Overweight Patients / Op. Dr. Kamil YILDIRIM
Anesthesia and Reanimation Ozone Therapy: A Powerful Support for Healthy Living / Spc. Dr. Neslihan YAĞMUR
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy and Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy / OT. Sinem Altın DEMİRBAĞ
Neurosurgery Micro-surgical Treatment Methods for Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniation / Op. Dr. Yakup SEZER
Infectious Diseases It Is Possible to Learn the Covid-19 Test Result on the Same Day! / Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜNBÜL
Dietitian Intuitive Eating and Diet Quality of Children Living Separately from Their Parents / Spc Dyt. Zübeyde SEMİZ
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Innovative Fractional Laser: Gold Needle Laser / Uzm. Dr. Enkhjargal LOSOL
Traditional and Complementary Medicine Hypnotherapy: Healing Through the Power of the Mind / Dr. Gökhan AKILLI
Dermatology (Skin Diseases) Humanity: A Holistic Perspective on Health and Beauty / Spc. Dr. Ebru ONAT GÖKTAŞ
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Exercise in Osteoporosis: The Right Movements to Protect Your Bone Health / Dr. Lecturer Elif BERBER
Obstetrics and Gynecology Endometriosis: The Silent Appearance of Pain Outside the Uterus / Op. Dr. Seher SARI KAYALARLI
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Breast Reduction Aesthetic Surgery / Op. Dr. Nazlı TOSUN
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Art in Plastic Surgery: A Reflection on "Da Vinci" and the "Golden Ratio" / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağlayan Yağmur
Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery A New Advancement in Liposuction: Argon Plasma / Doç. Dr. Çağlayan YAĞMUR
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation A Different Perspective on Autism: How Might Autism Have Started?